Q: I’m starting out in reloading and want to buy a strong O-frame press that won’t send me broke. It won’t see a great lot of use, but must be able to handle long cartridges as I own a .30-378 Weatherby Magnum. What do you suggest?
Paul Marchant
A: Lee’s Classic Cast Press is an inexpensive “O” frame with a rigid cast iron frame and press opening high enough to accommodate the .30-378 Wby Mag. or the giant .416 Rigby cartridge. The adjustable operating handle is suited for left-handers as well as right-handers and you can even rotate the ram to prime from the right.
This economical press has a simple automatic priming arm that primes on the bottom of the stroke so you get to “feel” the primer bottom in the pocket. Spent primers fall through the hollow ram and into an attached rubber hose. The Lee single-stage press is durable and its price can’t be matched by any other brand.