Q: I was recently given two canisters of Alliant Reloder 10x. I’ve never heard of this powder before and have no idea of its burning rate or the cartridges it is best suited for reloading. What can you tell me about it?
I own a .223 Remington, a .22-250 and a .270 Winchester. Could you suggest loads for any of these three cartridges, if Reloder 10x is suited for them?
Rob James
A: Reloder 10x has been around for the past 20 years. Its burning rate falls between Reloder 7 and Reloder 15.
I have a couple of canisters myself and assembled an excellent varmint load for a Remington 700 .22-250. A maximum charge of 33gn drives the 50gn Hornady V-Max at 3750fps, but I settled for 30gn which drives the 50gn V-Max at close to 3500fps and groups ½ MOA.
More recently, while playing with a new Marlin in .45-70 I settled for 50gn of Reloder 10x behind the Hornady 300gn HP for just over 1900fps, which produced three-shot groups of .75” at 50 yards.
In my .223 a 22.5gn charge drives a 50gn bullet at 3215fps.
Reloder 10x is too fast burning, however, for the .270 Winchester.