Spika Bruzer gum boots

Spika Bruzer gumboots

This year’s hunting season was a washout, so I bought a pair of Spika Bruzer gumboots to combat the constant ankle-deep water in low-lying areas of the bush.

Unlike a pair of traditional gumboots, Spika Bruzers fit better, featuring a neoprene upper that allows for better movement when walking.

The lower section of the Bruzers is 100 percent waterproof rubber and it fits like a glove, so to speak.

With their perspiration-absorbing insole for added comfort, they are definitely more than just gumboots. In fact, I found the inner soles also acted as a shock absorber when walking, offering comfort and moulding them to my feet — not to mention making them a lot warmer to wear in cold weather conditions.

The upper is constructed of 5mm neoprene, which is a lot softer than rubber and hence offers freedom of movement when walking.

In the past, I found rubber gumboots tended to chafe my shins, unlike the neoprene uppers on these gumboots.

Additionally, they are cut a little lower on the front to allow comfortable movement when walking.

Similar to what you’d expect in a wetsuit, neoprene is not only waterproof but warm, so you’ll find they are quite cosy to wear. Being stretchy, the neoprene makes the Bruzers very easy to remove.

The back of the neoprene upper features a grab-n-go grip for ease when putting them on.

Another smart addition to the Bruzer gumboot is a heel stud on the back that allows you to remove your boots without having to grab them with both hands and struggle to reef them off.

The sole of each boot features a deep tread for non-slip walking in muddy conditions.

While the Spika Bruzer gumboots are not designed for very long distance walks, nor mountain hiking, they are excellent value in wet weather conditions or for simply tramping through thick bush or long grass, and on frosty, wet mornings.

Bruzer gumboots are available in men’s, women’s and kids’ sizes and feature Biarri camo neoprene uppers. 

The prices are $99 for a kids’ pair, $135 for women’s and $165 for men’s (as of late 2022).

Ask to see them at your local Spika apparel outlet or visit www.spika.com.au for more details.




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Tony Pizzata

Tony's hunting career spans more than 50 years, from small game here in Australia through to big-game hunts around the globe. His first article was published in Sporting Shooter magazine almost 40 years, and he has worked full-time here as National Sales Manager and Field Editor for over 35 years. Tony's contribution to Sporting Shooter's solid foundations spans its printed history as well as its move to a digital future.