With a beautiful bull buffalo in a tropical Territory clearing from NT Parks Ranger Brian Boyle as our cover image this month, the tone is set for a terrific issue. on that theme, Gary Hall has a tale of a monster buff decked by his son in the NT.

And for a visually stunning hunting article, you cannot go past Leon Wright’s expose of pheasant hunting, most relevant now due to shortend duck seasons restricing bag limits. The pleasant pheasant alternative, eh?

Dylan Smith is your classic philosophical hunter, who puts a lot of thought into this great article about his journey so far hunting with traditional archery gear. In typical Dylan style, this tale is well written and graphically excellent.

Hold onto your hats, because Nick Harvey has given a big thumbs up to a modern-concept hunting rifle that ticks just about every box. The Benelli Lupo is an exceptional, accurate, angular looking rifle that is superbly functional.

To cap it off, we have our usual bunch of competitions where you could win anything from merchandise packs to rifles, so hop on down to your newsagent now, or better still, subscribe and never miss an issue.