At ANZAC Rifle Range
Saturday 25th February 2017
Commencing Midday
All target-licensed shooters are invited to bring their Scoped Centrefire Rifles to shoot a very challenging match on small targets with timed snap serials. The event is hosted by the Military Rifle Clubs Association Inc.
Rifle Categories. All legal centrefire rifles in good condition, chambered up to 8x57mm or .30-06 are permitted. Classes of rifle can include anything from WW2 vintage original sniper rifles or reproductions right through to high-end tactical or target rifles. When you register, your rifle will be assigned into its correct classification for the match.
Ammunition. Any appropriate factory or handloaded ammunition is acceptable, provided the projectile ie either soft point, Full Metal Jacket or match bullets, eg hollow-point boat tails like Sierra Match Kings or plastic-tipped suitable bullets like Hornady A-Max’s or V-Max’s or similar.
Prizes.There will be badges awarded to best score in each of four categories plus best junior and best lady competitor on the day. The shoot is sponsored by the Military Rifle Clubs Association.
Match Format
The match consists of a generous sighting-in period with five sighting shots permitted on commencement, shot on a 120x120cm square target. It is suggested you come up between 32 and 38 quarter-minute clicks from a 100 metre zero to get close to start.
Then there will be be two snap serials, each of 10 rounds, where you engage a torso-sized target once on each 4-second exposure. The target will be presented in a slightly different position for each exposure. Highest possible score is 100. The target is roughly 60x40cm (standard figure 12) with 6-inch V-bullseye scoring 5.1 points, and hits outside the V-bullseye score lesser value.
Adults – $27
Minor’s Permit Holders and Pensioners $22
NOTE: Competitors are welcome to attend a morning zero session at the range commencing at 10.00 am. You will need to mark targets then.
If you have a 100 metre zero in a standard chambering eg .223, .308, 6.5mm etc, then adding 9 to 10 MoA (36-40 quarter-minute clicks) to your elevation turret will get you close to target centre.
For More Information
You must call 0425 263 205 to book your place, as there is security on the entrance gate and you need a contact club. To find out more about shooting at Malabar go to our Website: www.mrca.com.au