The NSW Federation of Hunting Clubs has made us aware of the dog’s breakfast that the Local Land Services Draft Pest Mangagement Plan documents are.
One of the key actions from the NSW Government’s response to the Natural Resources Council (NRC) review of pest animal management was the implementation of 11 regional pest animal committees and 11 regional pest animal management plans. The NRC recommended that deer be classified as pests in local areas where high concentrations of deer be managed as pest animals, suspending game licensing laws for controllers in those areas. Shooting was the recommended method – not baiting. See the Graf Boys video on unintentionally poisoned wildlife in New Zealand on this link.
The intent of the regional plans is to provide a framework for priority pest animals and management activities to be identified across key stakeholders in pest animal management and all land tenures for a more effective and inclusive method to managing pest animals.
To that end, the LLS Public Consultation closes at 5pm Friday 20 April 2018.
One point we all need to hammer is how the NRC report recognised hunters as stakeholders yet LLS have completely ignored us.
From Robert Brown MLC
We need all Federation of Hunting Clubs (FOHC) Clubs, and all ADA Branches to make submissions in their own areas, but we also will need ‘Peak Bodies’ submissions in those areas where these bureaucrats are obviously stacking the deck, and/or any areas not covered by a club, an association, or even individual respected hunting identities.
These LLSs are jumping the gun too. In the Coffs Harbour area they are ‘notifying’ farmers that they will be conducting aerial shoots over their land ( to ‘eradicate’ Chital), then sending in ground teams to “mop up”. Robert Borsak spoke to one farmer that rang our office.
We’ve advised him to tell them ‘no’, and to advise all his neighbours ditto.
From Mark Banasiak – President FOHC, who has been painstakingly researching the LLS Plans,
The North coast plan mentions the feral fighter program which upon a quick search shows it’s one of theirs and heavily relies on baiting, including giving out free baits to participants. If this was just mentioned in wild dog section of plans then it would be ok, but it is also made reference as a key suggested strategy for wild deer in many if the plans.
The plans are supposed to be tailor made for each region, however the specific blurbs about each animal shows telltale signs of a copy and paste job. Some of them have even left the formatting indicator symbols in there when they copied and pasted from the orginal. The KPI’s they have set for most are vague and in some cases contradictory to what they have said in previous sections. Therefore accountability will be non existent if these are allowed to go through.
There is DEFINITELY an anti-deer agenda afoot in some of these LLSs
Recreational hunters or hunting clubs are only mentioned in one region’s plan as a participant in an objective, therefore we can speak to an institutionalised bias by LLS against us.
Note: These LLS Plans have come about from the Natural Resources Commission (NRC) independent, state‚Äëwide review of the management of pest animals in NSW. In 2016, it provided a comprehensive report to Government identifying key focus areas and 33 recommendations for opportunities to improve pest animal management across all land tenures.
Most of us know that the DPI Game Licensing Unit can assist landholders develop local deer management plans and with the suspension of deer hunting restrictions for licensed hunters. But this appears to have been given scant promotion by the NSW LLS in its draft plans
Please get writing in response to this survey if you have comments about these ill conceived plans, particularly in response for your local plan. Click on this link.