By Marcus O’Dean
Australian Ben Emms, from Lyndhurst Rifle Club in rural NSW, has cleaned up at Camp Perry, winning the US Fullbore Rifle Championships with a solid display of marksmanship under pressure.
The Americans affectionately call fullbore shooters the “slings and irons” Target Rifle competitors, to distinguish them from the traditional and time-honoured American discipline practised in their National Matches where they shoot the High Power discipline. While always shooting Long Range slow-fire matches, the introduction of the British Commonwealth Fullbore discipline is a more recent event, which has been programmed after the High Power shoots.
To add some icing to the cake, a smaller element of the selected Australian Fullbore team, on a reconnaisance mission for next year’s Camp Perry events, won the long-range Mini Palma Match.
Nice to have the “Cock o’ the Walk” and a winning team the year before the Aussies are fully committed. If you would like to see how the Americans reported the results, see the Accurate Shooter Bulletin here.