In light of the Queenslandgovernments intention to ban firearms with magazine capacities of more than ten rounds, can law-abiding Australian firearms owners ever expect their government(s) to exercise the good sense of their Canadian cousins? Read the optimistic report below and form your own opinion.
Marcus O’Dean
PS Has there been any public safety benefit in the establishment of six separate fireams registries in Australia to track ownership of rifles like this delightful CZ 527 Mannlicher-stocked .223?
“Canada moves to end long-gun registry”
« on: Today at 11:12:19 AM »
Canadian Prime Minister StephenHarper’s government re-introduced legislation Tuesday to end controlson hunting rifles and shotguns.
 The government’s first bid to repealthe long-gun registry act last year was narrowly defeated.
 Parliamentarians had voted 153 to 151to defeat the bill in September 2010 after a divisive debate thatpitted advocates of gun control against a long tradition of huntingand trapping in Canada.
 Now Harper’s Conservatives have amajority in parliament and are expected to handily pass a strongerversion of the bill that also provides for the destruction of thelong-gun records collected over the past 16 years.
 “The long-gun registry is not guncontrol,” Public Safety Minister Vic Toews told a pressconference, “and does nothing to enhance the investigation ofthose who commit crimes.”
 “Our government believes that therequirements to register long guns has needlessly and unfairlytargeted law abiding Canadians, specifically law-abiding firearmsowners, as criminals for simply owning a long gun,” he said,lamenting the close to $2 billion cost to set up and maintain theregistry.
 “By eliminating the wasteful andineffective long-gun registry, we can instead focus our efforts onmeasures that actually tackle crime and make our streets andcommunities safe.”
 Under the proposed changes, Canadianswould no longer be required to register long guns, though a validfirearm license and a police background check would still be requiredto purchase firearms and ammunition.
 Restricted firearms such as handgunswould still have to be registered.
 Opposition New Democratic Party MPFrancoise Boivin said abolishing the registry was a “slap in theface” to gun control advocates. She accused the government ofabandoning “civil defense.”
 The 16-year-old registry of 6.5 millionrifles and shotguns was brought in by a former Liberal government in1995 in response to the killing of 14 women at Montreal’s EcolePolytechnique six years earlier.
 Police and victims groups praise thefirearms registry, saying it has contributed to public safety.
 But it is hugely unpopular in ruralCanada with farmers and hunters, and critics brand it a wastefulattack on law-abiding gun owners. End of Quote.