Col Allison’s capers revealed on hunting podcast

From having Saddam Hussein wave a pistol at him to being gored by a warthog, Sporting Shooter columnist Col Allison has experienced just about everything a hunting-obsessed journalist could hope for, and he talks about it in the latest Australian Hunting Podcast.

In this interview of almost an hour, Jason Selmes delves into Col’s unusually adventurous life as well discussing shooting and hunting with a man who has been hunting since he was a teenager and contributing to Sporting Shooter since 1964.

Col has a lot to say, which is not at all surprising given that he’s written many books on hunting, had an extensive career as a mainstream journalist and has hunted all over the world – something he’s still doing.

He shares abunch of extraordinary tales on the podcast, not least being how in 1972, as the Sydney Morning Herald’s Column 8 editor, he was bundled onto a plane and sent to the Middle East, arriving during a battle. At one point he was caught literally in the middle of a tank duel, and later ended up in Iraq to interview Saddam Hussein about paying money to Gough Whitlam. The only answer he got was “no comment” and a brandished pistol.

Col says that the great hunting writers of the 20th century inspired him to become a journalist and writer, and he went on to become a professional shooter pursuing deer, buffalo, crocodile, etc.

“I left home early to go hunting, because I was obsessed with it,” he says.

Naturally, he has plenty of experience to share, and in this episode of the podcast you’ll get probably the most concise, valuable hunting lesson possible when Col talks about knowing your game, having patience and being smart.

There’s a lot more to hear in the podcast, too. Check it out on the Australian Hunting Podcast website.




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Mick Matheson

Mick grew up with guns and journalism, and has included both in his career. A life-long hunter, he has long-distant military experience and holds licence categories A, B and H. In the glory days of print media, he edited six national magazines in total, and has written about, photographed and filmed firearms and hunting for more than 15 years.