I’m a huge cricket fan so it comes as a big disappointment to me to discover the peak body for cricket administration in this country, Cricket Australia, has attacked law-abiding firearms owner by actively campaigning against the shooting sports and calling for tighter gun laws. ¬†In the lead up to the 20th anniversary of the Port Arthur massacre, Cricket Australia has signed and distributed a petition to have guns laws tightened, claiming that our gun laws are being gradually weakened. ¬†Why the governing body of one sport thinks it is their business to be calling for restrictions on another sport is beyond me. ¬†Mind you, other sporting bodies have done it too with the Richmond Football Club signing and distributing the same petition.¬†
You can see the Cricket Australia Facebook post HERE, where you might like to leave a comment (out of nearly 900 comments, there aren’t very many that support Cricket Australia’s stance). You can also read the petition in question HERE (it was launched by the Alana and Madeleine Fundation on the Change.org website).
Previous comments left beneath the Cricket Australia post include:
“Really disappointed in this Cricket Australia. As a law abiding firearms owner and an Australian Olympic Gold Medallist I find it highly offensive how you are drawing an analogy between the criminal events of Port Arthur and the legal use of firearms¬†for our sport. The Australian firearms laws are tough enough already. How about you putting your energy into punishing criminals and leave law abiding firearms owners alone? Stick to playing cricket guys.” Russell Mark, Olympic gold medallist.
An ill informed intervention into another sport and culture. Cricket Australia you are frankly disgraceful. Easy to see the dead hand of that cricket tragic John Howard here. Shame on you all, elitist no bodies who really don’t know the facts and obviously don’t care. You have crossed a line here that will turn many away from your sport. Robert Borsak, Shooters and Fishers Party MLC
Meanwhile the video that accompanies the petition, featuring Walter Mikac, can be viewed below.