Event: Forum on fairer gun laws

As the push for more restrictions on civilians owning guns gains momentum, the Shooters Union (Queensland) invites you to attend a one-off forum at which you will learn from expert speakers about what has worked internationally so that you can become part of the solution that protects your rights to own firearms. That means common sense firearm legislation that punishes criminals and protects the rights of farmers, sporting shooters and firearm enthusiasts

Join us for dinner and let your voice be heard…

Quick Facts – Event Details
When: Thursday 13th August.
Time: 6.45pm – 9.30pm
Where: Broncos Leagues Club, 96 Fulcher Rd, Red Hill, Brisbane QLD.
Tickets: $75.

An excellent 2 course dinner will be provided on the night (cash bar is available in the room) as you join fellow firearms owners and friends to hear two very talented speakers discuss some common sense approaches to gun law reform in Queensland and across Australia


Canadian member of parliament, Garry Breitkreutz will be sharing his extensive knowledge of firearms legislation. After spending more than $2 BILLION of taxpayer funds over a 15 year period, Canada recently completely dismantled it’s long-arms’ registry and modified many of its firearm laws to reflect a far more common sense approach. Mr Breitkreutz is recognised as one of the principal architects of those massive changes.

Dr Samara McPhedran holds a PhD in psychology from the University of Sydney, and has particular expertise in firearms policy analysis and evaluation. She has an extensive track record of research examining the impacts of firearms legislation in Australia and elsewhere, with her work published in international peer-reviewed academic journals. Samara is also a firearms owner, hunter, and current Chair of the International Coalition for Women in Shooting and Hunting (WiSH).


Tickets can only be purchased through the Shooters Union Queensland website, where you can also find further information about the event.

Shooters Union

Shooters Union (Queensland) stands up for your rights as a licensed, responsible firearms owner. With your right to own a firearm in jeopardy, we need to act now to do something about it. But we can’t do it alone. We want you to join us for dinner on 13 August to voice your disagreement to this proposed draconian firearm legislation.

If you’re concerned about common sense gun law reform, don’t miss this opportunity to hear our expert guest speakers and spread the word!




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