A new report has revealved hunting and fishing are the most valuable economic drivers managed by the NSW Department of Primary Industries.
“New figures released by the NSW Department of Primary Industries show the value of hunting to the NSW economy is greater than that of wool, cotton, wheat and almost every other Primary Industry in the state”.
Hunting is worth $1,541,000,000 a year according the Department of Primary Industries Performance Data Insights report published on the DPI website.
“When coupled with recreational and recreational fishing, the active outdoors are number one on the DPI State economic drivers list behind only beef production and horticulture”.
“It’s huge news and provides a whole new range of data to back up the contribution of hunters to the community in dollar terms and assistance to the environmental and agricultural sectors”.
Regulated hunting activities generate a range of social and economic benefits for NSW. In 2017–18, hunters spent an estimated $1.54 billion onhunting related activities and products. The total economic contribution toNSW was estimated to be in excess of $1.8 billion.
Expenditure by hunters supports manybusinesses, especially in regional NSW,including outdoor and camping products,
specialist hunting stores and tourismrelated businesses (fuel, food andaccommodation).
By helping public land managers and private landholders control both introducedand native wildlife, hunting helps to protect threatened ecosystems and speciesand also performs an invaluable service for many primary producers. The mainwildlife species targeted in NSW are rabbits, wild deer, foxes, feral goats and feralpigs.
Licensed game bird hunters help control damage to rice crops during the crop establishment stage when they are especially vulnerable to wild ducks. Game birds are native species able to be legally hunted by licensed hunters in NSW
under a mitigation program, supervised by NSW DPI, for sustainable agriculturalmanagement purposes. A maximum harvest level is determined annually basedon the best available scientific information on regional populations of each game
duck species.
Fishing, hunting and trapping directly generates 683 jobs in NSW and directly supports 896 businesses.”
The NSW DPI Game Licensing Unit regulates hunting in NSWwith NSW Police. A range of programs are administered to
ensure hunting in NSW is conducted safely, ethically andsustainably. The programs include licensing, communications
and stakeholder engagement, education and awareness, wildlifemanagement and compliance and enforcement.