Have you ever driven off to go on a hunt four hours away and realised, two hours into the drive, that when you’ve packed everything conceivable, you’ve forgotten your rifle? As Homer Simpson says, “Do’h”.
Yes, I admit to doing it and offer the (perhaps lame) excuse that my city life is so busy and frantic, often leading to distraction and negative results, like a “rifle-less hunter”. Come Friday afternoon, it’s hard to get the mind off work, family and other everyday concerns, to focus on the upcoming joy and relaxation that comes with the hunt. Consequently, the frazzled urbanite cannot switch off sometimes and that can have negative consequences.
So, one day I sat down in a quiet time and developed this Personal Hunting Checklist and I drag it out whenever I start to pack for a trip. It is by no means comprehensive for everybody but may offer a starting point for readers.
The NSW Game Council has produced a good chapter on Hunting Gear in their Hunter’s Handbook Equipment Chapter and it contains really good advice.
So, get organised and you may find, like me, that the checklist has a calming effect that transfers your mindset from hectic everyday to purposeful, relaxed hunting mode before you even leave the front gate.
Marcus O’Dean