In their latest stunningly tasteless campaign, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) have a plan to launch a pornography website in the cause of animal rights.
While they have drawn criticism in the past from many women’s groups for the use of prominent females eager to show their bodies eg Pamela Anderson, PETA makes no apologies due to their expectation that they’ll attract a whole new market on the back of voyeurism.
In pursuing such unethical promotional tactics PETA have even alienated staunch vegans like “Vegans (and Vegetarians) against PETA”. Prominent New York based feminist media identity Jennifer Pozner says, “Their use of sexism has gotten more extreme and more degrading.”
PETA’s tactic in opening their new website, due before Christmas, will be to commence with salacious, pornographic images and follow up with video of animal mistreatment.
Is there no level to which these extremists will sink in order to sell their sick beliefs?