The Shooters and Fishers have grabbed up to three Upper House seats in the recent Victorian state election.

SFP’s WA formation meeting

The Shooters and Fishers Party will elect a steering committee at a formation meeting for its new Western Australian division, and invites members and prospective members to take part in Fremantle on Saturday, 23 June.

“The people on this committee will drive the Shooters and Fishers Party towards official registration in WA before we make our mark on the political scene in the State,” SFP MLC, the Hon. Robert Borsak said.

Mr Borsak will attend the meeting, along with a large contingent of WA members, and the party is encouraging others to join them and become part of the SFP.

“We are just over the halfway hump in gathering enough members to register as a party with the Western Australian Electoral Commission and are calling on existing members to assist in signing up family and friends to increase numbers and drive our agenda here in WA,” Rick Mazza, the party’s Western Australian representative, said.

As soon as the party is registered, the steering committee will nominate candidates to stand for the Upper House in next year’s State election.

Mr Mazza called on shooters, fishers, four-wheel drivers and outdoors enthusiasts to attend and join.

“It is very important for the future of outdoor interests in WA that you attend and we urge you to encourage as many potential members as you can to come with you,” he said.

“You may not feel you are politically minded, and only really want to catch a fish, enjoy a bit of shooting or off-road driving and stay under the radar.

“Unfortunately, to protect our freedom to enjoy these recreational pastimes, we can no longer ignore our opponents who are driving political agendas that will undermine the pursuits we enjoy.

“The only way to counter those who oppose your way of life is to have parliamentary representation.”

Attendees should email Mr Mazza at so catering can be arranged.

The formation meeting will be held at the Esplanade Hotel, Freemantle, at 1pm on Saturday, 23 June.




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Mick Matheson

Mick grew up with guns and journalism, and has included both in his career. A life-long hunter, he has long-distant military experience and holds licence categories A, B and H. In the glory days of print media, he edited six national magazines in total, and has written about, photographed and filmed firearms and hunting for more than 15 years.