Alleged poacher’s sweet taste of freedom
A German father who was charged with poaching two frozen fish he bought from a shop has been let off after a judge threw out the case. Alexander Donninger had said he’d pulled the fake-fishing stunt to impress his kids with his supposed fishing prowess, but it went wrong when another man reported him to police. Police have been rounded criticised for prosecuting Donninger, but things became worse for them. Despite the value of the loss to the river’s owner being established as less than $5, the case went to court where the judge rejected it and dressed down the bungling police because they had no evidence. They’d allowed Donninger to take it home and eat it.
One week left of duck season
Victoria’s duck season is now in its last week, with shooting set to end on the Monday of the upcoming long weekend. Field and Game Australia’s Rob Treble says the cold front about to hit the state will provide good conditions for the next few days. He says Lake Buloke (western side), Reedy and Hospital Swamps at Geelong, Top Marsh and Lake Bael Bael at Kerang, and Lake Wellington in Gippsland are reportedly good hunting areas at the moment. For more details, see the Field and Game website. Quail season runs until the end of the month.
329 guns: NSW’s biggest enthusiast
Figures released show one NSW gun enthusiast has amassed a collection of 329 firearms. The firearm owner is one of 36,000 shooters who own at least six guns, while about 34,000 own four or five firearms, and the state’s 190,000 licensed shooters own an average of four guns each. The figures have been used by Greens MLC David Shoebridge to continue his attacks on law-abiding firearm owners. He has repeated his demand that the government impose a limit on gun ownership to put an end to what he calls “private arsenals”.