More guns stolen from county than city
According to this report in the Weekly Times, more guns are stolen from rural areas of Victoria than in Melbourne, despite the higher number of licenced shooters in the city. The figures have reignited debate between police and shooting groups over whether thefts show improved security is needed on farms.
Anther fatal crash caused by feral horse
A 15-year-old boy has been killed near Townsville after the car he was travelling in hit a feral horse carcase on the highway. According to the Brisbane Times it is the second fatal car crash involving horses in two months, sparking calls for the horses to be culled in the state forest bordering the highway.
Win for Top End hunters
In a good news story from the Top End, the NT Government has announced a raft of improvements to licencing and access arrangements for hunters and shooters. According to the NT Times, the changes include improved infrastructure and wetland areas for magie goose hunters and a pig hunting trial in Litchfield National Park.
Shooters ignored in firearms review
Sports shooters and farmers in Queensland say they have not been consulted by the Police Minister in the lead up to that state’s contribution to a national firearm review. This article from the ABC says that, in spite of shooters successfully lobbying to have representation on the national Firearms Weapons Policy Working Group, the Government has so far ignored their requests for consultation.
Kangaroos could “rip you open”: Mayor
Finally we have a link to a radio interview with Barcoo Shire Mayor, Julie Groves, on the Sydney Morning Herald site. The shire has a plague of kangaroos “taller than most men” and has an interesting plan to build a 55 kilometre fence to keep them out of three western Queensland towns.