Rubber bullets?
First up we have an amusing piece from the Independant Journal Review about a journo in the US (where else) who, when reporting on the race riots in Missouri, mistook ear plugs he found at the scene for rubber bullets. Some of the replies to his tweets are very clever, but more than that it shows what we are up against when it comes to getting proper reporting about gun-related crimes and other issues.
Illegal pig release
From the ABC comes this piece about feral pigs that were supposedly released in the Kiewa Valley region of Victoria. There’s not a lot of evidence provided, but apparently it was “hunters” that released them. I guess it must have also been hunters that released all the other invasive species that infest government land around the state?
NT croc attack
The third croc attack this year in the Northern Territory has re-ignited debate over what to do with these man killers. According to 9 News On-line, a fisherman was taken by a 4.5 m croc in front of his horrified wife. The white-headed croc, nick-named Michael Jackson, was subsequently shot, sparking outrage from those who value the life of animals more than human life.
Russian ‘roo rejection
It has recently come to light that the $180 million trade in kangaroo meat to Russia has been suspended for the second time this decade. A report from the ABC cites Russian concerns over E. coli contamination as the reason for the ‘roo rejection. The sole supplier of kangaroo to Russia, however, claims the Russians have been using the wrong testing standard. I’d have to say I’m not surprised.
SFP to repair “broken” system
Robert Borsak from the Shooters and Fishers Party is promising to fix the system in NSW that sees law-aiding firearms owners subject to some of the strictest firearms laws in the world, while criminals committing serious crime with firearms are being let off with a slap on the wrist. They need your help to do so, though, as they get set to wage their biggest campaign yet.