The Sporting Shooters Association in NSW has repeated its calls for members to give feedback on current and future firearm regulations, and has established a special committee to review regulations.
It comes as the state government begins a re-write of the proposed Firearms Regulations 2012 that were rejected by the Firearms Consultative Committee.
SSAA NSW executive director Diana Melham says the push by SSAA NSW to establish the committee has already paid dividends for licensed, law abiding, firearm owners in NSW.
“Without the oversight of this committee, who knows the kind of changes the NSW government would seek to impose on firearm owners in this state,” Ms Melham said.
“Thankfully licensed, law abiding, firearm owners now have a seat at the table when the government wants to discuss firearms legislation and we will be telling them to focus on criminals with illegal guns – not licensed shooters.”
It appears the government did not consult with anyone in the shooting community before drafting the 2012 regulations, but Ms Melham says it has now asked for input. SSAA NSW will make a submission on behalf of its almost 44,000 members.
“We are again calling on branches and individual members to provide input to ensure SSAA NSW’s submission represents the views of the breadth of our membership.”
“This is the chance for licensed, law-abiding firearm owners to have their say on the legislation that governs our sport.”