TSFP the Government’s conscience?

Well, the Daily Telegraph seems not tobe able to read its readership’s moods and leanings yet again on theaffection that the man in the street has for the two Robs, Borsak andBrown, from the Shooters and Fishers Party (TSFP).

 In Andrew Clennell’s article on page 11in the Nov 8th edition and also in the Opinion editorial onpage 20 of the same day, we are told that TSFP is holding back vitalgovernment projects in the interests of its constituents.

 From what I have seen, they seem to belooking after the interests of the state and voting according totheir consciences and what they think is morally right to do. Thefact that they wield the balance of power in the Upper House simplymeans that they can lend some backbone to that moral authority.

 More strength to you and use it while you can.

 Marcus O’Dean


 PS Listed below are the email responsesto the article so far, demonstrating that a big majority of theirreaders are right behind the two Robs. Why don’t you get on theSydney Daily Telegraph’s website and offer your own opinion?

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Comments on this story


*Bill of NT Posted at 12:10 AMToday

“How do I join?”

Comment 1 of 7


*Bill of NT Posted at 12:19 AM Today

“With the amount of feral animalsI seen on the southern highlands recently. Foxes, cats, deer, pigs.Would it not be wise to let the people who want to eradicate thishuge problem just get on with it? Stuff the do-gooders and drongoswho never get out of the city. All and more power to you blokes.”

Comment 2 of 7

 *An Ordinary Man of Capital CountryPosted at 12:26 AM Today

“Dear Mr Brown and Mr Borsak, Forthe sake of my police officer wife and our family, please block thegovernments proposed police death and disability reforms. This is amassive betrayal by the government and the Commissioner.”

Comment 3 of 7

 *Geoff of Bankstown Posted at 12:45 AMToday

“The libs will never get areferendum up to remove the upper house. It would take the next 11years to came to power. Maybe the libs may start doing same work bythen.”

Comment 4 of 7

 *Beastie of The Druitt. Posted at 4:27AM Today

“Get em boys . Keep the mongrelhonest.”

Comment 5 of 7

 *Lordelpas of hunter Posted at 6:48 AMToday

“And the Coalition has the gall toclaim the Federal Government is controlled by the minor parties?

Comment 6 of 7

 *Mark Brady of Merrylands. Posted at6:57 AM Today

“Just like the Greens andIndependents a minority party holds a government to ransom so it willnot pass legislation. I thought with the random shootings in Sydneythe last thing you need is any firearms in schools.”

Comment 7 of 7

Image: Daily Telegraph




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