Video: Eureka Stockade rifle being submitted for classification

Anticipation continues to mount over the forthcoming Eureka Stockade lever-release rifle, with manufacturer Eureka Gun Company confirming the design is now at the point where it can be submitted to Queensland’s Weapons Licensing Branch (WLB) for categorisation.

The video also goes into detail on several elements of the rifle’s design, including its action, new features, and changes made since previous videos on the design.

CEO Rick Casagrande said the company appreciated WLB providing them with one-on-one meetings to discuss expectations, and described the meetings as “very productive”.

Mr Casagrande also confirmed the gun will be finished in Cerakote and available in three main colour options at launch – Cobalt, Graphite Black, or Flat Dark Earth (FDE) – and said while some colour customisation would be available, the standard colours would get production priority.

The rifle will have a positive magazine ejection feature from a closed bolt, and even with the bolt open the magazine will still come out easily when released.

“[The magazine] is under pressure from the bolt carrier being on top of it,” Mr Casagrande said.

“You’re not going to have to fight it to get magazines in or out.”

He also confirmed the rifle had been tested with both steel and PMAG magazines, had an NSW-compliant fixed stock, and would feature an ambidextrous safety with the ability to mount the release lever on either side of the gun — although it will still only eject spent cases on the right-hand side.

Mr Casagrande also cautioned that anyone thinking they could fiddle with the gun to make it operate differently was going to be disappointed, as the design meant that holding the lever-release down and trying to fire the Stockade would not work, since the hammer would not have enough kinetic energy to engage the firing pin.

 â€śIt’s not made to be anything other than a single-action, lever-release rifle,” he said.

Mr Casagrande said that on the production front, the import approvals for the barrels had been granted and production on other components was under way.

“The barrels will be the last item that will arrive; towards the end of July — we’re now told there’s been a stoppage over there for some reason, but our production will go forward as soon as categorisation is given,” he said.

“We will be putting everything together so that when those barrels arrive we’ll just be able to drop them in, put the fore-end on, test the firearms, get them in the packaging, and send them out to you.” 

The Eureka Stockade .223 lever-release rifle is available for pre-order from Eureka Gun Company now, and Sporting Shooter will have a review available as soon as we can put one of the rifles through its paces.




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Royce Wilson

Royce is something rare in Australia: A journalist who really likes guns. He has been interested in firearms as long as he can remember, and is particularly interested in military and police firearms from the 19th Century to the present. In addition to historical and collectible firearms, he is also a keen video gamer and has written for several major newspapers and websites on that subject.