SSAA CEO Tom Kenyon (left) and WA National Leader Shane Love
New SSAA CEO Tom Kenyon (left) and WA National Leader Shane Love

WA Nationals pledge to disallow Labor’s firearm laws

WA Nationals Leader Shane Love has pledged to move a Motion of Disallowance regarding Western Australia’s new firearms regulations if he is re-elected to parliament in the March 2025 election, saying he would make it a priority.

Speaking at the WA Nationals conference in Bunbury last weekend, Mr Love said he intended to move that motion on the very first day of parliament for 2025.

“That will stop the clock on that legislation, then rewrites it so it’s fair and listens to the people of Western Australia instead of tries to take away their lives,” he said.

“This state government has been unfairly targeting 90,000 West Australians who happen to be firearm owners, and they’ve introduced legislation and rammed it through parliament without due consideration.

“[They are] trying to force people to give up their firearms when they don’t even know what the regulations will be that surround those new laws.”

The Nationals in WA have been among the loudest political voices opposing the Labor Government’s new firearms laws, which were rammed through parliament last March, despite strenuous opposition from the SSAA, Shooters Union, SIFA, firearms dealers and pretty much everyone else with any interest in firearms — including the 32,234 people who signed a petition opposing the new laws.

The Nationals currently have two seats in WA’s Legislative Council (upper house) and three seats in its Legislative Assembly (lower house), compared to the 53 lower house seats and 21 upper house seats held by the ALP.

SSAA National CEO Tom Kenyon also attended the conference, and said there had been a number of positive outcomes for the organisation’s members as a result of the event.

“We’ll continue to keep working for [our members] to make sure that we keep getting a result in Western Australia and try and improve the situation,” he said.

Mr Love acknowledged the work of SSAA in helping the Nationals in its opposition to the firearms laws, and in particular “giving us an understanding of just what this means to the many, many sporting shooters who are your members in the state.”

Mr Kenyon, formerly an MP in South Australia, only recently stepped into the top job at SSAA National, and was a keynote speaker at the recent National Gun Conference, where he cautioned that WA’s gun laws were at risk of rolling east and urged shooters across Australia to work together in the face of the new and serious threats facing them.




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Royce Wilson

Royce is something rare in Australia: A journalist who really likes guns. He has been interested in firearms as long as he can remember, and is particularly interested in military and police firearms from the 19th Century to the present. In addition to historical and collectible firearms, he is also a keen video gamer and has written for several major newspapers and websites on that subject.