Highland Sports has turned to Hatsan in Turkey as its source for an over-under at a price and quality level to suit today’s budget-minded sportsmen – and it’s just too good to ignore.
What the average fieldgunner is looking for is a reliable, inexpensive over-under shotgun. The new Hatsan Escort aims to fulfill that need by becoming the working man’s stackbarrel for the 21st century.
Why introduce another inexpensive over-under now in this era of recession, particularly since there’s plenty of $1200 “entry-level” over-unders on offer? When I put this question to the guys at Highland Sports, they replied: “Obviously, there is a steady market for over-under field guns, and we believe that selling so cheaply, the Hatsan can not only fill that need, but do a lot to swell the numbers of hunters. There will always be a market for a rugged no-frills field gun built rugged enough to withstand the most extreme weather conditions.”