Swarovski’s EL 42 series offers improved viewing comfort, especially for spectacle wearers, and enables hunters to enjoy the entire wideangle field of view and unique edge sharpness.
Top quality optics allow us to see details we’d otherwise miss because images are brighter, sharper and larger than life. But even the best binocular delivers its full potential only if you learn to use it expertly. In my 55 years as a gun writer it has been my good fortune to use and evaluate countless new binoculars in the field. One thing that I’ve learned is that you really do get better performance from a prestigious European glass, particularly during prime hunting times at dawn and dusk when light conditions are poor. A topflight binocular helps you to not only find, but evaluate game that would be indistinguishable with a cheaper glass. It is up you, the buyer, however, to decide whether you have need for a binocular that costs up to five times as much and is really five times as good as a less expensive glass. Swarovski has always been recognized as being in the top echelon, a leader in the manufacture of hunting optics especially binoculars. Recent years have seen the company employ computer- aided design and advanced materials to realize the mutually exclusive attributes of light weight and optical flawlessness. That accomplishment is soundly demonstrated in Swarovski’s EL series which transmit over 95 percent of available light and deliver images so sharp as to challenge the resolving power of the sharpest pair of human eyes.