Q: I was left two rifles by my grandfather that are chambered for the .250-3000 Savage. One is a Savage Model 99-EG lever-action fitted with an old 3x Bushnell Scopechief equipped with the Command Post. When stalking pigs in lignum and deer in the brush, this was his favourite rifle. the other rifle is built on a small-ring Mauser action. It has a stubby 525mm barrel with a 12″ twist, is fitted with a Timney trigger and a 6x Bushnell ScopeChief.The old boy swore by those Bushnell scopes with their pop-up post for use in poor light. I bought 100 .250 Savage cases and a die set to start reloading. Can you give me a couple of good loads for goats and pig using 87gn and 100gn bullets? Using ADI powder if possible. My wife and my 16 year old son want to use these rifles and say I should stick to my .243.
Dallas Carpenter
A: The .250-3000 Savage is the answer to a handloader’s prayer. It will perform well with AR2206H. With the 87gn Speer try 35gn of AR2206H for 3000 fps which duplicates the factory load. With the 100gn Speer a charge of 33.5gn of AR2206H gets around 2850fps which is a good load for goats and pigs. If you decide to use the Mauser for varmints check out the Hornady 75gn V-Max bullet and 37gn of AR2206H for 3300fps.If you hunt nothing larger than fallow deer, the .250-3000 will handle all your shooting needs and you’ll reap the advantage that comes from owning two guns in the same calibre. It has very little recoil and suprisingly little muzzle blast, making it an ideal cartridge for a youth or a lady shooter.