K31 Schmidt Rubin Battle Rifle
Q: I recently purchased a Swiss K31 in 7.5x55mm calibre. What do you think of this gun and cartridge? Which is the best reloading press for a beginner to use? What are the best primers? I already have PPU brass and a Lee die set. Can you recommend a couple of loads for pigs, scrub bulls and range shooting?
Bill Stewart
A: The Swiss K-31 Schmidt Rubin was the most improved of all the designs and a vastly superior arm to the earlier Schmidt Rubins by virtue of its shortened bolt assembly which has the locking lugs repositioned to the head of the bolt. In the K-31, the case head is fully supported which makes it stronger and safer than the original version of this rifle. I don’t really think much about old ex-military rifles, but if you like it that’s fine. The cartridge can be reloaded to give a performance similar to the .308 Winchester.If I were you, I’d buy a strong O-frame press like the RCBS Rockchucker, Hornady LNL, Redding Boss or Ultramag. The Redding Boss is well-priced. All modern primers are good; use standard large rifle. The 7.5mm uses .308-inch bullets. For pigs 52gn of AR2209 drive the 150gn Hornady Interlock bullet at 2750fps. For scrub bulls the heavier 180-grainer and 46gn of AR2209 achieves over 2400fps. For range shooting, the 180gn Hornady SST and 46gn of AR2209 should shoot more accurately and pretty much to the same point of impact as the 180gn Interlock.