Q:I’m torn between buying a rifle with a laminated stock or one with a syntheticstock. I like the look of the laminated stock better, but wonder howstrong they are and how weatherproof compared with a synthetic stock.Can you give me your opinion about laminated wood stocks?
A:From the hunting standpoint laminated stocks are ideal on anysporter. The wood used in them is hardwood (apparently birch). Theweight is comparable to that of most walnut stocks, althoughsometimes greater if they haven’t been hollowed out. They arelaminated from a good many thin layers, impregnated with an adhesiveresin, and pressed together under heat at high pressure. The resin isa bonding agent of high strength which is virtually impervious tomoisture. Warpage in such a stock is practically nil and strength ismuch higher than the normal one-piece wood stock. I believe aproperly laminated stock is in no way inferior when it comes towithstanding extremes of temperature, humidity and shock. I have aModel 70 Winchester with a laminated stock and have found it verymuch to my liking.