Shooters and Fishers Party NSW MLC, Robert Brown, hasannounced the list of SFP Federal Senate Candidates for all States and theNorthern Territory.
“Our Candidates are excited at the prospect of representingtheir respective States in the Federal Senate elections,” Mr Brown said.
“The Shooters and Fishers Party is unashamedly a States rightsparty and this theme flows through all of our federal policies, whether it iswater for the Murray Darling Basin farmers, or keeping the federal government’snose out of areas of land management such as the States’ public lands.”
He pointed to the recent attempts of the federal governmentto interfere with various state government initiatives in managing bushfires intheir National Parks.
“Tony Burke, when he was Environment Minister, not onlypresided over the creation of massive no-go marine reserves, he then tried tobully Victoria and Queensland over their proposed trialling of limited grazingas a fuel-reduction strategy in their National Parks,” he said.
“Fishers have had enough of state marine parks, and FederalMarine Protected Areas created with an apparent lack of supporting science,denying ordinary Australians access to fishing areas.
“Federal Governments of both political persuasions havehistorically failed to curb cheap agricultural imports, have failed to stopmassive foreign ownership of our prime Agricultural land, failed to rein in themarket dominance of Coles and Woolworths, and have failed to protect the waterrights of irrigators in the nation’s foodbowl, the Murray Darling Basin,” MrBrown added.
“In short, they have failed to support rural and regionalAustralia, and this must be particularly galling for those rural Australianswhen they see billions of dollars poured into a failing car industry, while atthe same time they are denied meaningful rural assistance during prolongeddrought.
“Typical city-centric policy making by Federal Government ofboth colours – it has to stop.
“If the Shooters and Fishers Party and other like-mindedminor parties can have a senator elected in a number of states, and take awaythe balance of power from The Greens, then it will stop,” he said.
SFP Senate Candidates, 2013 Federal Election
NSW #1 Senate Candidate
Karl Houseman
Karl spent a childhood in the outdoors on the bushy fringesof Sydney, and this experience has influenced his passion for and understandingof the outdoors. He has been involved in the arts, and has worked for twodecades as an IT specialist and manager, now heading up IT for a company thatturns over $500 million a year.
Karl is a regular salt- and freshwater fisherman, sharingthe time with his children. He is a rifle and pistol shooter, and is part ownerof the highly successful Australian Hunting Net (AHN) forum and President ofthe AHN hunting club. Karl understands the aspirations of ordinary workingAustralians, and as a “States Rights” advocate, will be an outspokenrepresentative for NSW in the Federal Senate.
NSW Senate #2 Candidate
Jim Muirhead
Jim Muirhead is the Chairman of the Riverina Branch of theShooters and Fishers Party. He calls himself a 50 per cent shooter, 50 per centfisher, something that shows not only in his spare time but in his communityinvolvement. He is active in shooting and angling clubs and organisations,holding official positions in many. Jim is passionate about rural issues –particularly Federal interference in the water rights of NSW farmers. Jim wasone of the organisers in the River Red Gum Environment Alliance, an alliance ofCommunity Organisations that fought long and hard to prevent the shutting downof the Timber Industry along the Murray.
“I believe in the sustainability of Rural NSW… likesensible water use, timber harvesting, fishing and hunting,” Jim says.
NT #1 Senate Candidate
Matt Graham
Matt Graham, 42, has been a keen angler, hunter, shooter andoutdoorsman since he was a young fellow growing up on the Central Coast of NSW.After finishing school he moved to Armidale to study rural science and laterbegan working in fishing and shooting retail. He subsequently built asuccessful hunting and fishing tourism business in that region. Matt firstventured to the NT in 2001 to establish a new safari hunting business, and in2005 he purchased the well-known safari company Hunt Australia. He now divideshis time between the safari work in the NT, NSW and the USA. Matt is marriedwith three young children and has become an advocate for all recreationalhunters, shooters and fishers.
NT #2 Senate Candidate
Chris Righton
Chris Righton has been fishing for trout for as long as hecan remember, after growing up around Bunyip in Victoria. He took up hunting asa teenager, and before his 20th birthday he’d become a keen deer stalker andmember of the Australian Deer Association. He has recently moved with his wifeand son to the Northern Territory, where he also enjoys riding motorcycles,four-wheel driving and other outdoor activities. A carpenter by trade, Chrisnow works in a camping and fishing shop to be part of the things he ispassionate about. Twenty-five year old Chris is the future face of our fight toprotect our outdoor lifestyles.
QLD #1 Senate Candidate
David Curless
A shooter, fisher and boatie, David Curless stood as acandidate for KAP in the 2012 Queensland State elections, was a branchpresident for the party and represented it as the unelected Shadow Minister forNational Parks, Sport, Recreation and Racing. His horticultural background,which includes work in catchments and Heritage areas, set him up for the role.David has been heavily involved in the community, earning two SES servicemedals, and is a member of the Rural Fire Service and a Scout leader. David isthe ideal candidate to lead the SFP in Queensland.
SA #1 Senate Candidate
Matthew (Jess) Marks
Jess Marks has an intimate knowledge of firearms handling,safety, administration and legal requirements. He has more than 20 yearsexperience in the industry as a manager of the Marksman indoor range in SouthAustralia. A training specialist with a BA and other courses behind him, Jessis a qualified police firearms instructor. His hands-on understanding of howfirearms laws affect safety, business and individual shooters is a real assetto the Shooters & Fishers. Jess is the ideal man to lead the party’s SouthAustralian campaign.
TAS #1 Senate Candidate
Matthew Allen
Matthew Allen, 37, is a Tasmanian with a passion for theoutdoors. He is a fourth generation hunter, and keen ATV rider. For 10 years hehas been either President or Vice President of his local Australian DeerAssociation branch, and he has spent the past three years as Chairman of theTasmanian Deer Advisory Committee along with other related roles. Matthew is abuilder, carpenter and small businessman, and knows what Tasmanian businessesand workers face in the current political and economic situation. Matthew willbe a strong advocate for Tasmania as a Senator in the Federal Parliament.
TAS #2 Senate Candidate
Shane Broadby
Shane Broadby was born and bred in Tasmania, and beganhunting, fishing and camping from a very early age. Those trips, with close andextended family members, left a great legacy and now Shane guides tourists andteaches fly fishing as an accredited casting instructor. He has hunted andfished interstate and overseas, holds executive positions in local and statebranches of the Australian Deer Association (ADA) and is an active member ofthe Tasmanian Deer Advisory Committee. As a Shift Process Plant Operator at amajor Tasmanian smelter, Shane fully understands the vital need to nurtureTasmania’s economy and employment opportunities by giving sustainable industryits best chance to thrive. As the owner of his own lake-country retreat, he isequally aware of how the state must treasure its environment.
VIC #1 Senate Candidate
Terry Maloney
Terry Maloney is a dedicated fisher who has spent his lifealong the Murray River after being born in Albury and educated in Wangaratta.He has been actively involved in the fishing fraternity for more than 40 years,having helped establish his local Walbundrie Angling Club, of which he’s now alife member. Terry is also a foundation member of the renowned South WestAnglers Association and has acted as its Secretary for almost two decades. Formost of the past 10 years, he has been working on the Advisory Council ofRecreational Fishing (ACoRF), dealing with four Ministers during that time andgaining invaluable political and lobbying experience. Meanwhile, Terry’s communityinvolvement has extended to various committees and associations during hislife, including the Rivers and Red Gum Alliance. A carpenter/builder with aninterest in farming, Terry wants to see his six grandchildren experience thesame outdoor freedoms he has always enjoyed.
VIC #2 Senate Candidate
Steven Malcolm
The Vice President of the Riverina Branch of the Shootersand Fishers Party, Steven Malcolm has an extensive background in transport,logistics and mechanics after a career spanning almost 30 years. For eightyears of that time, he was self-employed, gaining a greater understanding ofwhat so many Australians face in making a living today. At the same time, thiskeen fresh- and saltwater fisher has fought hard for anglers’ rights and access.Steven fought on both sides of the Murray River against National Parks andresultant lockouts of fishers and campers. He wants better access for fishingand camping and opposes the arbitrary bans imposed in Marine Parks. Asportsman, vehicle restoration enthusiast and amateur dramatist, Steven ispassionate about his local community and is active in executive positions innumerous clubs and associations. In particular, he is the Vice President of theSouth West Anglers Association, the first angling body to take a position onthe Murray Darling Basin Plan.
WA #1 Senate Candidate
Murray Bow
Murray Bow leads the WA branch of the Shooters & Fishersinto the 2013 Federal Election. A man of great experience who has travelledextensively in WA, he has worked in the public and private sectors as asalesman, commercial pilot, events coordinator, flying instructor, real estaterepresentative and manager; he served in the Army Reserve and is active in theVolunteer Bush Fire Brigade. Murray has been a keen shooter since hischildhood, and he now hunts and is an International Shooting Sports Federationpistol shooter. He has held shooting club committee positions at both club andState level. Travelling and bush camping are favoured pastimes for Murray and hisfamily, and Murray continues to fly, ride motorcycles, cycle, kayak and run forfitness.
WA #2 Senate Candidate
John Parkes
John Parkes campaigned for the Shooters & Fishers in the2013 WA State election, nearly winning a second Upper House seat for the partyand these same qualities have earned him a place as a WA candidate for theFederal Senate. John has the proven ability, passion and knowledge developedduring 34 years of successful business ownership, where his motivation andambition culminated in his early self-funded retirement – something that hasallowed him to focus on legislative issues which affect Australians with a loveof the outdoors.
“The people involved in shooting, fishing and outdooractivities feel disenfranchised by ever-increasing interference with andtightening of the laws already covering these pastimes,” he says. “The battlemust be taken to the Federal Senate to stem the tide of poorly thought outlegislation.”
Retirement has also allowed John to travel, enhance hisproperty, hone his boating and fishing skills and enjoy regular hunting andshooting trips.