Q: I was given a Remington Model 788 bolt action rifle in .44 Magnum. Is this gun rare? Can I load it safely to higher velocity than a lever-action Winchester or Marlin?
Craig Martin
A: The Model 788 was chambered for the .44 Magnum for a short time from 1967 to around 1971, but the number would have been pretty low. I’d be wary of trying to soup-up .44 magnum loads too much in that rifle; the action is strong enough but the brass mightn’t be. I can give you the top loads I worked up in my Browning
B92 which you could perhaps use as starting loads, but only at your own risk. Hornady 180gn XTP 29gn of AR2205 2070 fps; 200gn XTP 27gn of AR2205 1968 fpds; 240gn XPT 25gn AR2205 1770 fps.