If you are a keen rifle shooter or hunter, It’s worth your while to click on the Benson’s Archery strip advertisement on the top of the home page of the sportingshooter.com.au website ‚Äì yep, this one ‚Äì because since I last looked they have expanded their range of centrefire ammunition, reloading components and they have some cracker deals on hunting optics, like Bushnell Banner 4-12x riflescopes for $129 ‚Äì seriously!
The even bigger news for shooters and hunters just starting out is that Benson now has an AHO-approved Hunting Club operating, offering membership with all its benefits for $20. The also conduct Firearms Safety Awareness Testing and DPI Game Licensing Unit R-Licence testing, so you can hunt on NSW Public Lands.
So, go to our Home Page and click on the Benson Ammunition strip ad near the top of the page, just under the nav bar. Their prices are competitive and their service is friendly.