I was out and about this morning targeting foxes that the property owner has seen amongst the lambs lately and that gave me a good opportunity to test out some new gear.
My plan is to leave the vehicle at the first entry point to the lamb paddocks and, with the wind to my favour, spend the morning on foot in the brand new Ridgeline Apache boots.
Normally I would walk around in a pair of boots first to break them in, but these Apache boots feel so comfortable I decided to get out in them in brand new condition.
I locate a fox as it leaves the lamb paddock and I stalk to his last seen location to find him feeding on a carcass. The fox has no idea of my presence and is dispatched with one shot.
The next couple of hours are spent covering a fair bit of ground on foot and on varying terrain that the boots handle with ease.
While no other foxes were located I discovered these Apache boots have been absolutely amazing and I look forward to chasing more feral animals while out and about in them.
It’s very impressive that such a sturdy well-constructed waterproof boot is so comfortable to wear from brand new.
Price $169.95
Visit www.ridgelineclothing.com.au