The ABC has reported thatOne Nation’s candidate Stephen Andrew has secured enough preferences to take the northern seat of Mirani, ousting Labor MP Jim Pearce.
Andrews Said: ‘The reason I joined One Nation … is to help restructure what big business and poor government decisions has done to our farmers/graziers, industries and jobs in the Mirani electorate, the suffering needs to stop and growth needs to start,’ his profile says.
Mr Andrew is currently a licenced weapons dealer running his own business Western Action Firearms. He also owns CQ Feral – a pest control business and also has a mining services business.
“I do vertebrate pest management for a lot of farmers and a lot of big businesses,” Mr Andrew told The Morning Bulletin.
ABC election analyst Antony Green officially called the seat for Senator Hanson’s party late yesterday afternoon.Green has predicted One Nation and the Greens may win one seat each, Katter’s Australia Party possibly three seats, and one independent.
In a statement, Ms Hanson said Mr Andrew had worked “exceptionally hard over the past 12 months” and would be a strong voice for regional Queensland.
“I suspect he and the Katters will hold the balance of power in the state,” Senator Hanson said.
Senator Hanson also posted on Facebook this morning, saying she thought the party would win other seats.
“I’m very proud of Stephen Andrew’s win in the Queensland election,” Senator Hanson wrote.
“He won’t be the last, with things looking very strong in at least five other seats.”
“I sense we will have some other exciting announcements over the coming days,” Senator Hanson said.
Mr Andrew is a fourth generation South Sea Islander who lives in Mackay.