Berejiklian Rules Out Deal with Shooters Party

Premier Gladys Berejiklian has ruled out accepting the support of the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party to form government, saying the minor party’s gun policies are a danger to NSW.

The Premier’s stance could see a minority government formed as the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party are a serious

threat to take control of failing National seats.

Ms Berejiklian laid her anti gun ownership cards on the table saying her stance was purely ideological because she could not have anything to do with a party that “wants to give guns to 10-year-olds”.

“I am not going to be someone who speculates on the outcome of the election [but] what I am going to do is tell people of NSW what our principles are and what our position is,” she said.

“This is a question of principle and I don’t think it is OK to give 10-year-olds guns; I don’t think it is OK to water down gun laws; and I don’t think it is OK to increase gun ownership in NSW.”

The reference stemmed from a statement in aSydney Morning Heraldarticle in August 2017, made byRobert Borsak who represents the party in theNSW Legislative Council.

“The [party] would be happy to see minor’s permits for firearms use to be reduced from 12 years of age to 10 years,” Mr Borsak said.

However, Mr Donato said the Shooters Fishers and Farmers Party has no policy to give guns to 10-year-olds.

“It’s pure scare mongering, it’s purely trying to place fear in the community by the Premier, totally false,” he said.

Ms Berejiklian said Labor had to come clean on its plans for preference deals with the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers.

But Labor leader Michael Daley said the party’s head office, instead of the leader’s, would decide preference deals on a “seat-by-seat basis”.

While refusing to rule out the ALP dealing with the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers, Mr Daley said Labor would not accept a preference deal with One Nation “because they are a racist party”.

He accused the Liberals of dealing with the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party “every day for the last eight years” in the upper house, citing land clearing laws passed with the support of minor parties.

“There is a great deal of hypocrisy about this. This is about trying to get the National Party in the bush to survive because they are going to bare the brunt of bad policies,” he said.

The Shooters, Fishers and Farmers MP Robert Borsak said the government “had not picked up the phone to us in four years”.

“It is fine for them to say they would not take our support because they would not get it to form government,” he said.

“The government is deliberately lying because if they actually looked at our policies, they would know we have no intention of giving guns to 10-year-olds.”

Mr Borsak said Ms Berejiklian’s “scare tactics” would not play out well in the regional areas.

“This election is going to be won and lost in the bush,” he said.

Mr Borsak said the party would examine each piece of legislation on its merits.




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