Bowhunter Adam Greentree Avoids Conviction for Hunting Deer in National Park

Adam Greentree’s case for poaching deer in the Towarri national park would have to be one of the most talked about in Australian hunting history. It was an Instagram image that Adam Greentree, 38, of Merewether, uploaded that landed him in hot water with the Department of Primary Industries.

Adam is attached to many huge sponsors and big-name hunters across the globe. Due to Adams popularity this the case has been viewed and shared worldwide with critical commentary from the start.

Hunters across the globe have been putting pressure on the big name sponsors to drop the celebrity bowhunter as they accuse the sponsors like Hoyt and Underarmour to be turning a blind eye as they fund his hunting expeditions across America. Many have vouched to abandon the products if they do not sack the Instagram star.

The judge on the case made some interesting statements that sends a mixed message out.

Sam Rigney from The Heraldreported on the case. Greentree, who is represented by barrister Bill Hussey and solicitor Chris

O’Brien, avoided a conviction in Newcastle Local Court on Monday after he pleaded guilty to hunting and killing a red deer and possessing a compound bow in the Towarri National Park in 2017. Greentree was out hunting near his 300-acre property north of Scone in March or April, 2017, when he posted photographs and footage of himself with a large red deer, declared a “game animal” by the DPI, but also managed as a “pest”where they are causing harmful impacts.

The DPI’s Game Compliance Unit viewed the images on Greentree’s social media and later, while conducting operations in the national park, located a red deer carcass.

They recorded the GPS coordinates, compared the location to the images Greentree had posted and found that Greentree had crossed over from his property into national park land.
When police spoke to Greentree in April, 2018, he admitted to killing the deer but said he was on his neighbour’s property and not on national park land.
The matter was listed for hearing, but Greentree pleaded guilty to both charges when he could not prove where he was when he took the shot.

The charges each carry a maximum fine of $3300, but Magistrate Andrew Eckhold said Greentree’s good character and contribution to the community meant he should not receive a conviction.

The Judges Comments

“It must be recognised that the animal that you killed was a feral animal and one that has the potential to cause some harm to the environment,”Magistrate Eckhold said.”Butthere has to be control of what is happening in national parks. You have got people walking in there…it’s important that national parks are protected in this way. Evenhighly skilled hunters make errors.”




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