Michelle Wisbey from the Tasmania Advocate reports that Tasmanian Police have already banned five individual firearms based on their appearance. These bans come after the recently introduced guidelenes from late 2016.
Assistant Commissioner Richard Cowling said following a review of the Sydney Seige in 2014, the nation’s police services agreed to review their own data.
TheFirearms Categorisation Guidelines, which were finalised earlier this year, now state thatany firearmwhichsubstantially duplicates a machine gun or submachine gun cannot be given a licence.
Assistant Commissioner Cowling saideven though the single-shot firearms did not operate in the same way as anautomatic weapon, they could look the same.
“A total of five people have been contacted by Tasmania Police in relation to the possession of prohibited firearms, based on their appearance,” he said.
Eachfirearm isassessed on a case-by-case basis.
With legislation that is open to interpretation you can only guess what the next wave of law abiding firearms will fall under this appearance legislation.