Andy MeddickMP has defended his presence at Lake Connewarre over the weekend, as wildlife rescuers converged on the area during the statewide lockdown. The lake saw legal hunters harassed with little intervention from authorities.
The Victorian Duck Hunters facebook page broke the story. “We have received multiple reports that Andy Meddick MP has been caught putting Victorians at risk by traveling across the State of Victoria during the state wide “circuit breaker” 7 day(minimum) lockdown”.
Unverified pictures of who is believed to be Mr Meddick at Hospital Swamp have been circulating on the Internet. Hospital Swamp is further than 5km from Mr Meddick’s residential address.
Further footage was released today by Geelong Field and Game of a hunter being harassed by anti hunting protestors during his approved two hour recreational activity (hunting).
During the video, the hunter states that Mr Meddick was at the swamp earlier, providing further evidence that Mr Meddick was present.
Is Andy Meddick above the law?
Why are animal rights protestors allowed to travel further than 5km?
Will Dan Andrews and Labor condem the actions of Mr Meddick?
Will Victorian Police investigate and prosecute Mr Meddick and any illegal activity of protestors if found true?
Will Game Management Authority Victoria investigate what was clearly a breach of s58E of the Wildlife Act 1975, i.e. “hindering a hunt”?
Protesters have also been errecting “no hunting signs” at duck hunting waterways – telling hunters to check their GMA maps.
VDHA contactedGMA and Parks Victoria, who confirmed theyhad not erected the illegal signage.If you come across any suspicious signs advising you that you cannot hunt, please contact the GMA and Parks Victoria to confirm, before adhering t the the signs directions.
A petition has been started asking for his removal from politics. The petition can be found here
We want to see Andy Meddick MP forced to resign from his current political position after he has been found to disregard the current Victorian Government’s State lock down laws on numerous occasions by:
Leaving his house for something other than the 5 reasons to leave
Traveling further than 5 km and
Undertaking activist activities at Victorian lakes where duck hunting is being lawfully undertaken.
He is not above the law, Activism has no place in Australian politics and he has no respect for the Victorian government by disregarding our lockdown