Despite the great job licensed conservation hunters are doing in our State Forests, the current Government don’t believe they need our services in National Parks. The following is an extract from what Shooters and Fishers Party MLC, Robert Borsak had to say.
The National Parks and Wildlife Service should dump its helicopter gunships and indiscriminate poisoning approach to feral animal control and adopt more effective practical solutions. Mr Borsak said that for years the Service has had a haphazard approach to feral animal control, and they cannot tell anyone from year to year just what impact they have had on eradicating the pests.
“Shooting pigs from their helicopter gunships can be as inhumane as it is ineffective, and the use of poison in baiting programs probably kills as many native animals as it does ferals.”Having been in the Riverina at the weekend, I am aware they have just started a five month baiting program in the Werai group of reserves.
“I’m told it’s part of a wider feral pig baiting program, and they’ve advised people on neighbouring properties and Park visitors, to “keep their kids and animals under supervision” between now and the end of June.”We believe a properly rolled out program of licensed Game Council conservation hunters , at no cost to the Government, could produce better results by way of reducing feral animal populations than is happening now.
“The formula has worked well in State forests and it’s time the Government adopted what it knows is a workable and practical solution, and that is using conservation hunters in National Parks”, Mr Borsak said.