Message from Rural Crime NSW – Stay at home… who knows what you’ll catch!!!
Please don’t think if you pack up your fishing, camping or hunting gear this Easter or school holiday break and travel into country NSW that you are doing it legally – you are not.
Let’s all adhere to the government’s advice, so we can protect ourselves and the most vunerable members of our regional,

remote and rural communities.
Persons detected travelling without reasonable excuse will be directed to return to their home address and run the risk of being issued with a $1000 infringement notice. We get no joy out of handing out fines, so please comply
We would also like to give all our hunters and fishers the heads-up, it is not just the Rural Crime Prevention Team that are aware of these restrictions, it is the entireNSW Police Force, including general duty police on the front line in our small towns and communities, our mates in theMarine Area Command – NSW Police Force, along with ourTraffic and Highway Patrol Command – NSW Police Forcecolleagues that are constantly up and down our highways and rural roads.
The RCPT are out and about as we speak, patrolling your area, and we will be for as long as it takes for people to get the message. We are here for the duration.
Acting Deputy Commissioner for Regional New South Wales Geoff McKechnie stressed, “Your local police are here to keep our rural communities safe, they know the local hunting vehicles, but more importantly we know those vehicles that aren’t!”
“While brief fishing trips from home are considered exercise (within the two-person limit), fishing and camping holidays are not.” Mr McKechnie said.
To help contain and slow the spread of COVID-19, we all have to work together and that means staying in our homes and our neighbourhoods for the time being.