Just when you think you have seen the highest levels of stupidity, someone raises the bar. This week it was in the Southern Sydney suburb of Alfords Point.
This is more than likely road kill from the south coast as I doubt there is anyone out there that would call themselves a hunter capable of something so stupid.
The Sutherland Shire Leader reported that boaties have been shocked by the horrible sight of the body of a deer hanging from Alfords Point Bridge this afternoon.
Boat-owners George and Kristie of Woronora said they were horrified when they saw the body hanging by the neck from the bridge high above Georges River.
“It was hanging from the left-hand side of the bridge as you head from Menai to Bankstown.
“We knew straight away what it was. We could tell from its shape it was a deer. It was just horrific. We were just glad it wasn’t alive.
“I felt shock, horror and anger that anyone could do such a thing.
“There were boats going by with kids.
“I spoke to a lady in another boat called Kim who said she couldn’t even look up at it. She was mortified and just wanted to get her kids out of there as soon as possible.
“A few people with kids in their boat went straight past so their kids couldn’t see it.
“A couple of guys on jet-skis saw it and doubled back to to take photos.
“What type of person would do that to an animal? I just hope the deerwasn’t alive when it was hung over the side of the bridge.”
Kristie said she spoke to an RMS officer in a boat who said he was organising a road crew to come out to the bridge and cut the body down.