The Greens and Shoebridge never miss an opportunity to push their agendas, even if it means leveraging the death of a young child, misleading the public and twististing an illegal activity to attack a law adbing group of Australian citizens.
Stricter gun laws unfortunately would never have saved this girl. The stories and examples the Greens use to support stricter gun laws never have any relevance to law abiding firearms owners. You could safely say 99.9% of the Greens examples to push stricter gun laws actually have zero relevance the the LAFO community.
The facts Shoebridge is attempting to twist.
- Unregistered ProhibitedFirearm (A single-barrelsawn-off shotgun)
- Unlicenced Owner
- Unsecured Prohibited Firearm
In a nut shell, criminals do not secure their illegal fireams. Never have and never will.
Greens MP David Shoebridge said every gun death was tragic “but it is especially cruel when the victim is so young. At this time our thoughts are with this little girl’s family and friends.”
“This emphasises how important safe storage laws are and how any weakening of our gun laws can be a matter of life and death,” he said.
“It was only three months ago that the Coalition and Labor voted in Parliament to water down safe storage laws.
“The law used to provide that if any firearm wasn’t safety stored it was automatically confiscated, this is how the law should be. Parliament should urgently reverse these changes.”
NSW Police Minister Troy Grant said: “There is no way to ensure the safe storage of an unregistered and prohibited firearm.
“This government is committed to ensuring individuals possess their firearms within the extremely strict and robust regime we have in NSW,” he said.