Katter calls for Qld hunting tourism
In amongst Bob Katter’s crazy ideas he has a few gems. This time he has called for the Queensland government to embrace recreational hunting as a source of revenue for the state. According to the Herald Sun, Katter says Queensland is lagging behind states like Victoria in capitalising on hunting tourism.
Pig doggers back hunting tourism
In a related article in the Northwest Star, a spokesperson from the Australian Pig Doggers and Hunters Association says that remote communities and landholders could be the big winners from hunting touris
Queensland war on ferals
Staying with the theme of Queensland feral species we have this piece from the Courier Mail in which the Queensland government beats its chest about the war it is waging on invasive species. Unlike Bob Katter, however, the government fails to recognise that recreational hunters could play a key role in winning that war.
Gold coast deer
Perhaps serving as an example of the expanding range of introduced species in Queensland comes this piece from the Gold Coast Bulletin about a deer recently spotted in the Gold Coast. Move over Meter Maids!
NT Dingoes
Finally, sadly, comes this fine example of muckraking journalism in which the NT News has been trolling through FaceBook to find photos that support their anti-hunting stance. They’ve published a photo of a hunter with a wild dog or dingo that they say was taken illegally. Nevermind that they have no information about where or when the dog was taken, nor any evidence that it is in fact a pure bred dingo as they claim.