Sophie Monk mauled over pig’s head pic
Here we go ago again, with another celebrity copping a wave of citicism from animal rights activists over a social media photo. This time it’s entertainer Sophie Monk who, according to this article in The Daily Mail, has apologised for giving the thumbs up in a photo beside a recently decapitated wild boar. The funny thing is, Ms Monk has previously posed nude in this PETA ad supporting vegetarianism. I’m starting to suspect she’s not really too sure what she supports and what she doesn’t.
Scientists photograph feral cat killing 4kg pademelon
In case there were still any doubters about the destruction that feral cats wreak upon our native wildlife – and I’m picking there aren’t too many reading this website – scientists have for the first time photographed a feral cat killing a large native mammal. This article from the 7 News website reports that a Tasmanian scientist has caught on camera a feral cat killing and eating a four-kilogram pademelon.
UK’s Royal Society for the Protection of Birds backs bird hunting
In a rare but somewhat surprising win for commonsense, the Guardian reports that the UK’s Royal Society for the Protection of Birds has acknowledged the contribution that managed gamebird hunting can make to supporting threatened wildlife. If only our own RSPCA was so progressive….
Fox spotted outside 10 Downing Street
For some light entertainment, reporters in London have filmed a fox outside 10 Downing Street. No, it’s not Pippa Middleton. It’s a real fox, apparently chasing a duck. Check it out.
New hunting TV series
We finish with this YouTube trailer for a new hunting TV show series from the guys at Aussie Hunting Adventures. It sure looks great – so keep your eyes out for it in Winter 2015.