South African Airways bans carriage of hunting trophies
In disturbing news posted on the Traveller 24 and The South African websites, South African Airways has banned the transportation of hunting trophies on their carriers. It is currently unclear whether the ban only applies to all hunting trophies or only the four listed species (lion, rhino, elephant and tiger). Whichever it is, it will damage conservation efforts by inconveniencing legal, fee-paying hunters, without making the slightest difference to poachers.
More RSPCA idiocy
The WA branch of the RSPCA has been at it again, this time using taxpayers’ money to take a full page ad in a major newspaper in Western Australia, which stated rather obviously that a dead hare is not a trophy. The aim of the ad was to rally support against the trial of “hobby hunting” on public land in Western Australia. In this website post, they have conveniently provided the email address for the Environment Minister in that state. Why not use it to register your support for the use of recreational hunters to control pest species?
Mallard v Gervais
In his usual cutting and entertaining style, Garry Malllard takes Ricky Gervais to task over his vilification of trophy hunters in his latest Hunters Stand blog. Amongst other things, Mallard points out that, just maybe, inciting his fellow hatemongers to post threats of unimaginably cruel deaths against hunters is a sign that Gervais himself is the one with the issue.
Shoot grizzly bear, go to Prom
From the website of an Alaskan TV channel comes this account of a Prom night with a difference. A 15 year old Alaskan girl headed out for a hunt on the day she was due to attend her Prom. After shooting and butchering a grizzly bear she made it to the dance with only minutes to spare!
Eva Shockey on females who hunt
To finish, check out this refreshingly positive clip from American TV in which Eva Shockey discusses the growing participation of women in the shooting and hunting sports. I think it’s happening in Australia, too, and that’s a good thing.