NSW Primary Industries Minister Katrina Hodgkinson said she wants amateur shooters back in the state's national forests as soon as possible.

State Forest hunting set to resume

NSW Shooters and Fishers Party MLC Robert Borsak haswelcomed the announcement that hunting will resume in state forests.

“We’re pleased with this announcement and look forward tothe recommencement of hunting in state forests,” he said.

“We’re also looking forward to the establishment of a singleadvisory committee made up of former Game Council members to represent theinterests of NSW hunters.”

The announcement came from NSW Primary Industries MinisterKatrina Hodgkinson who said she wants amateur shooters back in the state’snational forests as soon as possible.

She told parliamentary question time on Tuesday thatvolunteer hunting in all 400 state forests was still on hold, pending theoutcome of a risk assessment.

But she wants to return to business as usual as soon aspossible.

“It is our intention to restore volunteer hunting instate forests to control feral animals as quickly as possible, and in a mannerthat’s as similar as possible to previous procedures,” Ms Hodgkinson said.

She told parliament an eight-member game and pest managementadvisory board would be set up to represent hunters’ interests, direct researchand advise government.

The establishment of the board was among the recommendationsof a review of the NSW Game Council by public servant Steve Dunn.

In response to the review, the council was scrapped and itsstaff are being transferred to the Department of Primary Industries.

Meanwhile, the functions previously carried out by the GameCouncil are being transferred to the Director-General of the Department ofTrade and Investment, Regional Infrastructure and Services, which will be thenew regulatory authority in line with the Dunn review recommendations, MsHodgkinson said on Tuesday.

A trial of hunting in 12 national parks is set to begin inOctober under the direction of the National Parks and Wildlife Service.

The announcement comes a week after the Shooters and FishersParty set up a committee with Labor and The Greens to investigate ministerialmisconduct.

The committee, chaired by Mr Borsak, has the power to callup any state minister against whom claims of misconduct have been made and iscalling on the public to come forward.




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