The NSC Is Supporting a Fight in WA Over .300 Win Mags

The National Shooting Council has gone into bat for a pest controller after he was knocked back for a permit for a .300 Win Mag. WAPol’s are of the opinion they know more about pest control than professional pest controllers and they back their decisision based on the fact the officer making the decision was military trained.

NSC are confident this case willexpose WAPol’s lack of knowledge about firearms.

The NSC reportedAdrian is a pest controller. He has a .270 rifle which he uses up to 200m and .338 that he uses for his work at longer distances, but has applied to the WA Police to use .300 Win mag with his Remington 700 for shoots out in the middle range to 500m.

The problem is WA Police believes that his .338 is suitable for distances less than 500m.

As Adrian argues, the 338 is not suitable for close range, and in any case is considerably more expensive at $18 a round, to shoot than the 300 calibre at $3 a round.

However, the WA Police do not see it this way.

Adrian’s case is being fought on the police side by an officer who believes he knows what he is saying.

He has told Adrian that he knows what he is talking about, because he (the officer) is or was a military trained marksman. He also told Adrian that he doesn’t need a .338 because a .270 is deadly at 1,000m and is used in Afghanistan…

Less funny is the belief that a regulator charged with firearm safety would somehow think it is safe or prudent to use a large calibre at close range.

Further reading here.

Had enough of bad gun laws?

If you live in WA, then don’t put up with stuff like this. The NSC has published voting advice for shooters for this week’s state election. If you live in WA and aren’t sure who to vote for, then check out our voting guide byclicking here.




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