Just when you thought the nanny state mentality had reached the highest point, you come across an article from the ABC, that just leaves you shaking your head.
I am not shaking my head at what the article is attempting to achieve. Firstly, the effort put in to allow a bunch of kids to play with their toy guns is to be commended. Im shaking my head at the level of scrutinity our children are put under if they want to play coyboys and indians.
The article refers to a Queensland kindergarten that has activated a toy gun licence program. The program allows their country kids to show an interest in toy guns and have a means to play with them whilst at the centre.
Reading between the lines it looks as though the kindergarten has had to do this to circumvent overarching rules on gun play set down on their centres from above.
Early childhood academic Dr Jennifer Hart from the University of the Sunshine Coast said,
“I’ve heard this time and time again this concern from parents saying that we don’t want our kids playing with guns because we don’t want them growing up to be violent, but the research does not have any evidence to show that that will be the case.”
With this in mind she then went on to say:
It appears the City kids that have an interest in playing Cowboys and Indians will need to keep their bows and 5 shooters holstered for the time being.
I guess it is time to initiate the Nerf buy back scheme.
Full article can be found here.