Sporting Shooter magazine August 2024 cover

Winchester SXR2 pump-action test in August’s Sporting Shooter, on sale now! 

Winchester’s all-new SXR2 pump-action hunting rifle headlines the latest issue of Sporting Shooter magazine, which also features a test of the remarkable and super-smooth Sauer 505 bolt-action. 

Both comprehensive tests include accuracy results as well as extensive first-hand experience hunting with them in the field. 

And we’ve got some great hunting stories in this issue, too, led by Jared Matthews’ tale about scoring a 236-point white fallow trophy.

Read about how another hunter fulfilled his goal of taking a fallow buck with a recurve bow. Eternal larrikin Gary Hall tells us how he reckons he shot Bigfoot! 

And Leon Wright brings his vast experience to us in a rabbit-hunting article spelling out how to ensure the odds are stacked in your favour.

We’ve also got a test of Zamberlan’s Storm GTX boots after months of constant use, and a thorough test of H&N’s new hollow-point .22-cal air rifle slugs, which we even used to knock over small pigs.

We tap into the late Nick Harvey’s knowledge as we revisit the .257 Roberts and .25-06, which still rank as great Australian hunting cartridges, while Marcus O’Dean extols the virtues and vices of the little .17 Hornet. 

And that’s just the start of what’s in this packed issue of Sporting Shooter. 

Grab a copy today at your local newsagent or get it cheaper online through Zinio for only $8.25.

Better still, if you subscribe through Great Magazines, you can get the print AND digital versions of Sporting Shooter every month for only $6.30 and cancel any time you like (though note that this will begin with the September issue).




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Mick Matheson

Mick grew up with guns and journalism, and has included both in his career. A life-long hunter, he has long-distant military experience and holds licence categories A, B and H. In the glory days of print media, he edited six national magazines in total, and has written about, photographed and filmed firearms and hunting for more than 15 years.