The National Geographic shared an unprecedented finding. Researchers spotted a deer chewing on a human rib during a study aimed at examining how human remains decompose in the wild.
Scavengers take advantage of opportunities to eat, and carcases left in the wild often decay quickly because animals can make quick work of the remains–even human remains.
Known as “body farms,” some research facilities study how human remains decompose in the open air, including which animals interact with the corpse.
In a study published this week in the Journal of Forensic Sciences, researchers highlighted their finding: Ungulates, too, will partake in human flesh, if it’s available.

White-tailed deer are considered herbivores and subsist on a diet of readily available plants, including twigs, fruits, nuts, alfalfa, and the occasional fungi.
This is the first time scientists have observed deer eating human flesh, though they have been known to turn carnivorous in the past, eating fish, dead rabbits, and even live birds.
Deer may pursue flesh because they lack minerals like phosphorous, salt, and calcium, especially in the winter months when plant life is scarce.
While this finding sheds light on deer behaviour, forensic scientists are also heralding the study as useful for cases in which a body has long been decomposing. If scientists can identify the teeth marks of deer and other ungulates on human bones, it will help in new cases and could clear up confusion in older crime scenes, where only carnivorous scavengers were thought to chew on human bones.