But the big news is that Winchester Australia has also sponsored a great lucky door prize for one licensed shooter of a CZ Model 455 Standard rifle in .22LR, so bring your PTAs if you are feeling lucky.
Here is a downloadable pdf of the Winchester Bushman Flyer, so you can spread the word and print them out for your

clubhouse and it appears below as well.
Also, there is a Winchester .22 Shoot Entry Form, which you can also print out. Fill it out and bring it on the day with your firearms licence, but only if you pre-register by phone. See the bottom of the flyer for the number.
If you scroll down, you can watch a real-time video of the conduct of the shoot, so you can hit the ground running. We will be running a barbecue lunch on the day for a $2 donation to Legacy NSW to help look after the families of deceased servicemen, so you will be helping deserving people out just by eating a sausage sanger.