Even sunglasses with strong polycarbonate lenses will suffice to provide a basic level of eye protection against something like a blown primer

Shooting glasses are a must

Q: I have noticed that in all the pictures, whether you are shooting or hunting, you are wearing glasses. Do you have bad eyesight or is there some other reason?

Ross Jones

A: Most hunters seldom think of wearing shooting glasses, but they are one item that anyone shooting handloaded ammunition should use faithfully. 

Shooting glasses today have either glass or polycarbonate lenses available in a variety of colours. Dark lenses such as grey or green are best for protection from the sun on bright days, while amber lenses are used to increase contrast in poor light.

Other colours are primarily intended for clay-target shooting and have little application in the field. 

Whatever colour you prefer, the basic function of shooting glasses is to protect your eyes against an accident where a blown or pierced primer or a ruptured cartridge case may send gas, powder and brass particles flying back into your face.

Without eye protection, just one such accident can put an immediate end to your shooting and hunting career.  

When using handloads, I make it a practice never to shoot any rifle, whether on the range or in the field, unless I’m wearing shooting glasses equipped with glass or polycarbonate safety lenses.

Think about it. Do you think it’s worth taking the risk of losing your sight for the sake of spending a few bucks on shooting glasses, or because of the inconvenience?




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Nick Harvey

The late Nick Harvey (1931-2024) was one of the world's most experienced and knowledgeable gun writers, a true legend of the business. He wrote about firearms and hunting for about 70 years, published many books and uncounted articles, and travelled the world to hunt and shoot. His reloading manuals are highly sought after, and his knowledge of the subject was unmatched. He was Sporting Shooter's Technical Editor for almost 50 years. His work lives on here as part of his legacy to us all.